Leizhan company is a pulp and paper machine supplier with many years of manufacturing experience. The Henan customer specially ordered our company's kraft paper production line machines to produce high-quality kraft paper.


A customer in Zhengzhou Dongmiao started a new packaging paper production line. After a series of detailed communications to determine the raw materials and production capacity, Leizhan company produced the equipment required for the contract.


A paper mill in Zhengzhou ordered waste paper recycling line equipment from Leizhan company. Leizhan company is a professional pulp and paper equipment manufacturer that helps customers build efficient and energy-saving production lines.


A Qinyang customer ordered a complete set of recycled packaging paper production line equipment from Leizhan company. Leizhan company is a professional supplier of pulp and paper making equipment.

    contact info

    • Hetun Industrial Area,
      Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
      Henan Province ,China

    • Telephone : +86 371 55129198

    • Email :leizhanmachinechina@gmail.com