Paper Plant Heavy Slag Extruder

The heavy slag extruder can significantly reduce the moisture content of the pulp tailings during the pulping process and reduce the processing time to improve production efficiency. The heavy slag extruder can dehydrate and concentrate the pulp tailings into valuable resources or waste for proper treatment. The heavy slag extruder has been improved to save more energy.

The heavy slag extruder can accurately control the discharge of wastewater after tailings dehydration, which is in line with the current concept of green development and reducing environmental pollution. The heavy slag extruder adopts a control system that can realize automatic operation, greatly reducing the need for manual operation and thus reducing labor costs.

Leizhan company is a leading global supplier of paper production equipment, services and solutions. If you are interested in setting up a new paper making plant or reconstructing your existing paper project, please feel free to contact us.

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    contact info

    • Hetun Industrial Area,
      Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
      Henan Province ,China

    • Telephone : +86 371 55129198

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