HD Series High Density Cleaner

HD Series High Density Cleaner is mainly applied to remove all kinds of heavy impurities in paper pulp, like staples, stones, glasses, etc.

Application & Feature

1. Volute Pulp inflow chamber, the eddy ability is strong and low pressure area subarea is obvious. This makes accepts and impurities separate thoroughly.

2. Wear resistance ceramics cone, long service life.

3. Specially designed long cone has small taper angle and fine cleaning efficiency.

4. Equipped with PLC control cabinet, convenient and easy to control, sufficiently discharging impurities.

HD Series High Density Cleaner

Type HD2  HD3 HD4 HD5 HD6 HD7 HD8
Nominal Size(t/d) 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5500 7500
Throughout(L/min) 800-1200 1200-1800 1800-2500 2500-3500 3500-4500 4500-6500 6500-8000
Concentration of Input Pulp(%) 2-5
Pressure of Input Pulp(Mpa) 0.3
Discharging Model(Mpa) AUTO

Working Principle

The pulp slurry should first be disposed by high concentration deslagging machine after breaking. And this machine is a kind of high concentration pulp purification deslagging equipment, which purifies pulp by separating the heavy impurities from the pulp according to the difference in proportion of fiber and impurities.


1. Offering comprehensive technical and business consultation services;

2. Proposing the most suitable scheme and equipment for our clients;

3. Designing and fabricating targeted products according to the special requirements of clients;

4. Training periodically high qualified service technician.

    contact info

    • Hetun Industrial Area,
      Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
      Henan Province ,China

    • Telephone : +86 371 55129198

    • Email : leizhanmachinechina@gmail.com