Sizing Machine for Paper Making Line
Sizing machines play an important role in improving the surface properties and physical properties of paper. The sizing machine improves the bonding strength, ring pressure strength, folding strength and stiffness of the paper and the internal fibers. Sizing machines have a wide range of applications and a good reputation in the current paper industry.
The Features of Sizing Machine
1. Fewer paper breaks. The paper passing through the sizing machine rarely breaks, which greatly improves the quality of the finished paper.
2. Long storage time. The paper has been treated with sizing technology and can be stored for a much longer time than ordinary paper.
3. Save energy consumption. The sizing paper contains less water, so the drying time can be reduced when passing through the drying section, thereby saving energy consumption.
4. Good operating performance. The sizing machine operates stably, meets the sizing requirements of the paper mill, and can operate continuously.
5. The amount of sizing applied is less affected by the vehicle’s speed. When the sizing machine runs at different speeds, it can ensure uniform sizing without affecting the paper quality.
Leizhan company is a supplier specializing in the production of pulp and papermaking equipment. Our company has mastered advanced sizing machine technology and the quality of its equipment is guaranteed. If you are interested in our sizing machines or papermaking equipment, please feel free to contact us.
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Hetun Industrial Area,
Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
Henan Province ,China -
Telephone : +86 371 55129198
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