Pulp Machine Double Disc Refiner Delivery to Minglu Paper

Leizhan company is committed to providing customers with high-performance pulp and paper making machines and constantly upgrading manufacturing technology. Minglu Paper appreciates the advancedness and stability of our company’s equipment and once again added the double disc refiner to its pulping production line. Our company successfully delivered the pulp machine double disc refiner to the customer according to the contract.

Delivery Details

1. Ordered pulp machine: Double Disc Refiner
2. Delivery machine: Double Disc Refiner and supporting accessories
3. Delivery location: Sichuan
4. Delivery date: November 13, 2023

The professional technical team cultivated by Leizhan company can provide customers with the best production solutions. If you are interested in our pulp and paper equipment, you can contact us at any time.

Email address: leizhanmachinechina@gmail.com

    contact info

    • Hetun Industrial Area,
      Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
      Henan Province ,China

    • Telephone : +86 371 55129198

    • Email : leizhanmachinechina@gmail.com