Paper Pulp Refiner for Syria Customer

Leizhan company engineers equipped the required refiner equipment according to the conditions of the Syrian customer’s paper making production line. The paper pulp refiner adopts a single inlet and double outlet method, which results in a better pulping effect. The disassembly device of the paper pulp refiner is simple and the manual labor intensity of replacing the grinding discs is reduced.

Delivery Information about Paper Pulp Refiner

1. Order equipment: Refiner, Low Density Cleaner and Sizing Roll

2. Delivery equipment: Refiner, Low Density Cleaner, Sizing Roll and support accessories

3. Delivery time: January 8, 2023

Leizhan company focuses on complete sets of waste paper pulping equipment and can provide complete sets of paper making and pulping equipment for paper mills. Our company can also provide a complete range of paper machine spare parts. If you have any needs for pulping equipment, you can contact us at any time. Email address:

    contact info

    • Hetun Industrial Area,
      Dawei Town, Xinmi City,
      Henan Province ,China

    • Telephone : +86 371 55129198

    • Email :